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Anime Information : Naruto Jutsu Type #013 Kekkei Genkai (Full Info)

Kimimaro using his kekkei genkai.
Kekkei genkai (血継限界; Literally meaning "a technique limited to inheritance by blood" or "Bloodline Limit") are abilities passed down genetically within specific clans. It's possible for a shinobi to have more than one of these abilities. Kekkei genkai abilities that work via the user's eye are called dōjutsu. Other kekkei genkai include mixing one type of elemental chakra with another, creating a new one unique to the users, which is usually impossible for normal ninja, or other bodily manipulations that are usually unachievable by normal standards.
Kekkei genkai and their related techniques cannot be taught to or copied by others. However, kekkei genkai can be given to others. Dōjutsu, or other kekkei genkai isolated to a single organ, can be transplanted into the body of another, as was done with transferring Obito'sSharingan to Kakashi. Use of these organs requires much more chakra than someone born with the kekkei genkai. Chakra elements can also be passed down to people outside of the clan, such as Yamatobeing subjected to DNA re-modification by Orochimaru who wanted to acquire the Wood Release kekkei genkai. However, Yamato's skill in using it is not nearly as powerful as the originator: Hashirama Senju, and the risk of such process was that Yamato was the only one of the sixty test subjects to survive.[1][2]Kabuto Yakushi managed to gain access to the Kaguya clan's Shikotsumyaku and Sakon and Ukon's Kekkei Genkai by transplanting their DNA into himself, creating a clone of the original wielders connected to his own body and using the abilities through that clone.[3]
Although kekkei genkai are usually genetically shared within a specific clan, sometimes it is unique to one person alone, and that even family relatives do not share it, such as the Wood Release andShikotsumyaku. Yet other kekkei genkai seem to appear in individuals with no known relation, such as the Lava Release, which has appeared in ninja from KirigakureIwagakure, and Kumogakure, whileMagnet Release, which has appeared in ninja from both Kumogakure and Sunagakure, though these kekkei genkai are subject to variation in each village.
There is an advanced variant of kekkei genkai known as kekkei tōta, which is a combination of three different nature transformations.

List of Kekkei Genkai

Blaze Release

Nature Icon Blaze
Main article: Blaze ReleaseBlaze Release (炎遁, EntonViz "Inferno Style") is an advanced chakra nature kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan, that allows them manipulate black flames. Sasuke Uchiha uses this technique when manipulating the unquenchable black flames of Amaterasu, fashioning them into various weapons and defences.[4] After entering its final form, Susanoo gained an orb of black flames, which serves as an alternate source of flames to manipulate with this nature.[5][6]
C stated that Sasuke manipulates the flames with his right Mangekyō Sharingan whereas he casts Amaterasu with his left.[7]

Boil Release

Nature Icon Boil
Main article: Boil Release
Boil Release (沸遁, FuttonViz "Vapour Style") is one of the two advanced nature kekkei genkaiof Mei Terumī and is made up of techniques that combine fire and water-based chakra to create a powerful corrosive vapour capable of dissolving anything. The user is also able to control the range and level of the vapour's acidity. Not only is it dangerous to be near, but as being gaseous, it can cover a considerable range shortly, and go through small spaces. It also stays in the air, so it can potentially deal continuous damage if the enemy is trapped or knocked back into its range.


Main article: ByakuganThe Byakugan (白眼; Literally meaning "White Eye", Meaning (Viz) "All Seeing White Eye") is the dōjutsu kekkei genkai of the Hyūga clan. Its power first appeared, alongside theSharingan, in the oldest known ancestor of the Hyūga: Kaguya Ōtsutsuki.[8] It has become known as one of the Three Great Dōjutsu (三大瞳術, San Daidōjutsu; Literally meaning "Three Great Eye Techniques"), along with the Sharingan, and the Rinnegan.[9] Those who inherit the blood of this clan have almost featureless, white eyes and when the Byakugan is activated, the user's pupils become more distinct, and the veins near their temples bulge. It also appears that unlike the other two great dōjutsu, all members of the clan possess, and can use this kekkei genkai from birth, as opposed to needing to awaken or else, not inheriting it at all.The primary ability of the Byakugan gives the user a near 360º field of vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra.[10]Upon activation of the dōjutsu, the wielder is granted an automatic 50 metre field of vision around themselves which can then be extended at their discretion.[11][12]
The second ability is being able to see through solid objects, as well as telescopic sight. It can also see through most barriers, and other things such as smokescreens,[13] differentiate between non-corporeal clones and see through techniques that would otherwise hide an opponent from normal sight.[14] The distance and the degree of telescopic sight varies from person to person, and can be improved through training. In Part I, Neji Hyūga was able to see an area of 50 metres,[11][12] but he later increases his visual range to at least 800 metres,[15] while Hinata Hyūga's range in Part II stretches at least as far as 10 km.[16] However, the Byakugan cannot see through certain barriers, such as the Four Black Fogs Formation used by the Sound Four.[17] The dōjutsu also has the ability to follow high-speed movement.[18][19][20]

Crystal Release

Nature Icon Crystal
Main article: Crystal Release
The Crystal Release (晶遁, ShōtonEnglish TV "Crystal Style") is a rare and specialised field ofelemental ninjutsu that can create crystal as well as manipulate already-existing crystals and crystalline structures.

Dark Release

Nature Icon Dark
Main article: Dark Release
The Dark Release (冥遁, MeitonViz "Shade Style") is an advanced nature kekkei genkai that can be used to absorb, manipulate, and release chakra taken from an opponent. Hirukoused techniques of this nature through a mark on his left hand. This mark resembles two diamonds, one overlapping the other. Chakra is absorbed through the upper square, while it is released and manipulated through the lower.

Dust Release

Nature Icon Dust
Main article: Dust Release
Dust Release (塵遁, JintonViz "Particle Style") is an advanced nature kekkei tōta, an advanced version of kekkei genkai, which is created through simultaneous use of the earthwind, andfire natures. The techniques of this nature initially form as a small three-dimensional object (e.g. a cube, a cone, etc.) composed of chakra that forms between the user's hands. When the technique is released, the form expands and surrounds the target. This nature allows the user to manipulate molecules, giving them the ability to disintegrate anything on a molecular level within the boundaries of the three-dimensional form.

Explosion Release

Nature Icon Explosion
Main article: Explosion Release
Explosion Release (爆遁, BakutonViz "Explosive Style") is an advanced chakra nature kekkei genkai. This chakra nature seems to give the wielder the ability to utilise explosive chakra in combat, allowing them to cause explosions in objects they come into contact with.

Ice Release

Nature Icon Ice
Main article: Ice Release
Ice Release (氷遁, HyōtonViz "Ice Style") is the advanced nature kekkei genkai of the Yuki clan, and allows the users to combine wind and water-based chakra to create ice which they can manipulate through willpower alone. The ice Haku created was resistant to fire-based attacks, only melting slightly when coming into contact with Sasuke's flames.

Jūgo's Clan's Kekkei Genkai

Members of Jūgo's clan have unique bodies, which allows them to passively absorb natural energy. This allows them to transform parts of their bodies for several purposes. However, due to the constant absorption, they sporadically feel sudden, uncontrollable urges to kill, causing them to go on a rage. While varied in purpose and function, the body transformations occasioned by this ability are similar looking in that a pattern covers the affected area as the transformation occurs, the skin on the affected area turns brown, and if the transformation occurs in the eyes, their sclerae turns dark as well.

Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai

Every few generations a member of the Kurama clan will be born with an incredible talent for genjutsu. The clan member's talent in that field is such that their genjutsu is overwhelming. Furthermore, the genjutsu is so powerful that it causes the brain to believe anything that happens to the victim within the genjutsu physically harm their body. This fearsome ability allows the clan member to potentially kill their opponents with genjutsu.

Lava Release

Nature Icon Lava
Main article: Lava Release
Lava Release (熔遁; 溶遁, YōtonViz "Corrosion Style" or "Lava Style") is an advanced naturekekkei genkai that combines fire and earth-based chakra to create lava and related substances that can serve multi-faceted purposes.

Magnet Release

Nature Icon Magnet
Main article: Magnet Release
Magnet Release (磁遁, JitonViz "Magnet Style") is an advanced chakra nature kekkei genkaiwhich allows the user to convert chakra into magnetic forces and magnetise an object. It is unknown where it originates from but both Sunagakure and Kumogakure possessed users of this kekkei genkai in the past.[21]

Mangekyō Sharingan

Mangekyō Sharingan Itachi
Main article: Mangekyō SharinganThe Mangekyō Sharingan is awakened through the trauma experienced from the death of a person very close to the Sharingan user. With the user normally having to witness or experience this first hand, Uchiha throughout history have killed those closest to them in order to expedite this process.[22] To obtain the Mangekyō Sharingan, one must feel the emotion of losing a friend or family, as merely killing them or watching them die will not activate it.
It is distinguished from a normal Sharingan by its appearance, which changes the form of the tomoeseal. Unlike the Sharingan, the appearance of the Mangekyō Sharingan differs from user to user with all known wielders of the dōjutsu having eyes that resemble variations of pinwheels; one variation is known as the "Straight Tomoe" (直巴, Choku Tomoe), which seems to grant the user fluidity in their movements when fighting.[23]

Ranmaru's Kekkei Genkai

Main article: Ranmaru's Kekkei GenkaiRanmaru possessed a dōjutsu kekkei genkai which, when activated, causes his eyes to glow red in colour. It grants him abilities such as penetrative vision as well as the ability to hinder other dōjutsu such as the Byakugan which his own dōjutsu has been likened to.This dōjutsu grants the wielder many abilities that include penetrating vision, disruption of other dōjutsu, and unique healing through life-force energy manipulation.
With his kekkei genkai, Ranmaru has the ability to see and hear things from long distances. With this ability, Ranmaru was able penetrate the walls of his shack to view the outside world. Although the range of his kekkei genkai is similar to the range of the Byakugan, it actually has the ability to counter and negate that trait. His abilities also allow him to perform irresistible genjutsu, which can fool even the all-seeing Byakugan. Ranmaru's vision also lets him locate and track others by sensing chakra, picking up chakra from long distances, and noticing changes in an individual's chakra. It is also able to sense how many individuals are present.

Rinha Clan's Kekkei Genkai

The kekkei genkai of the Rinha clan allows them to absorb a person's chakra and duplicate their appearance and memories.


Main article: Rinnegan
The Rinnegan (輪廻眼; Literally meaning "Saṃsāra Eye") is reputed as the most exalted eyes amongst the Three Great Dōjutsu (三大瞳術, San Daidōjutsu; Literally meaning "Three Great Eye Techniques").[24] It is characterised by its ripple-like pattern, which spreads over the eyeballs, with light purple sclerae and irides.The Rinnegan was admired as being able to bring forth all ninjutsu.[25] It was said that in the times when the world was in disorder, a person was sent down from the heavens to become either a "God of Creation", who will calm down the world, or a "Destroyer", who will reduce everything to nothingness.[26] The Rinnegan allows the user to perform the Six Paths Technique.[27]

Ryūzetsu's Kekkei Genkai

This unnamed kekkei genkai apparently allows the user to perform Reincarnation Ninjutsu as it allowedRyūzetsu to perform the Dragon Life Reincarnation technique. It was seen only in Naruto 5: Blood Prisonand Ryūzetsu was the only known user. Other details, such as whether it was common or rare and whether any other technique could be performed using it, are unknown.

Sakon and Ukon's Kekkei Genkai

Sakon and Ukon's unnamed kekkei genkai gives them the unique ability to break their bodies down to a molecular level. The two brothers usually use this ability to share the same body but can also use it tomerge with the bodies of others and destroy the host's cells from the inside. When Sakon is in need of assistance, Ukon can bring out some of his body parts to aid Sakon in blocking or attacking. Ukon's armsand legs can emerge from those of Sakon's to increase the force and quantity to his physical attacks.

Scorch Release

Nature Icon Scorch
Main article: Scorch Release
Scorch Release (灼遁, ShakutonViz "Scorch Style") is an advanced chakra nature kekkei genkai. This nature creates chakra that is capable of heating up an enemy to the point where all the liquid inside their body evaporates, killing the victim and leaving them a desiccatedcorpse.


Sharingan Triple
Main article: Sharingan
The Sharingan (写輪眼; Literally meaning "Copy Wheel Eye", Meaning (Viz) "Mirror Wheel Eye") is a dōjutsu kekkei genkai, which appears in some members of the Uchiha clan.[28] It first manifested, alongside the Byakugan, by the earliest known ancestor of the Uchiha: Kaguya Ōtsutsuki.[29] It later became regarded as one of the Three Great Dōjutsu (三大瞳術, San Daidōjutsu; Literally meaning "Three Great Eye Techniques"), along with the Byakugan and the Rinnegan.[30] The Sharingan is also called "Heaven's Eye" (天眼, Tengan), because of the many abilities it grants the user.[31]The Sharingan's abilities consist of two parts: the "Eye of Insight" (洞察眼, Dōsatsugan) and the "Eye of Hypnotism" (催眠眼, Saimingan).[32] The first of the Sharingan's powers is being able to see chakra flow. The Sharingan itself gives colour to chakra, allowing the wielder to differentiate them.[33] They are also able to tell if a person is under a genjutsu because the person's chakra flow would be irregular. The Sharingan's second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognise genjutsu and different forms of chakra, though not to the same extent as the Byakugan.


Shikotsumyaku Symbol
Main article: Shikotsumyaku
Shikotsumyaku (屍骨脈; Literally meaning "Dead Bone Pulse", Meaning (Viz) "Macabre Bone Pulse") is the kekkei genkai of the extinct Kaguya clan, which gave them the ability to manipulate their own skeletal structure (their osteoblasts and osteoclasts). By infusing their calcium with chakra, they could manipulate the growth and properties of their bones to their liking.[34] The ability seems to be rare amongst the clan members, as Kimimaro is the only known user even prior to his clan being eradicated.

Smoke Transformation

Main article: Smoke Transformation
This unique kekkei genkai is possessed by the members of the Iburi clan, which allows them to turn their bodies, either partially or fully, into smoke to serve various purposes. While in their smoke form the user becomes impervious to damage and can use this trait to gain an opportunity in battle, for example by allowing weapons to slip through them without any effects. However, if needed, they can still interact with physical objects.

Steel Release

Nature Icon Steel
Main article: Steel Release
The Steel Release (鋼遁, KōtonViz "Steel Style") is an advanced nature kekkei genkai that can be used to make one's body virtually indestructible by turning it into black steel.

Storm Release

Nature Icon Storm
Main article: Storm Release
Storm Release (嵐遁, RantonViz "Gale Style" or "Storm Style") is an advanced nature kekkei genkai that combines lightning and water-based chakra to create energy beams that can be guided towards the enemy.

Swift Release

Nature Icon Swift
Main article: Swift Release
The Swift Release (迅遁, JintonViz "Quick Style") is an advanced nature kekkei genkai that can be used to move with instantaneous speed, granting the user an advantage over opponents with more strength than speed, such as users of Chakra Enhanced Strength. This nature therefore renders the user invulnerable against most taijutsu.

Wood Release

Nature Icon Wood
Main article: Wood Release
Wood Release (木遁, MokutonViz "Wood Style") is an advanced nature kekkei genkai formed through simultaneously combining earth-based chakra nature in one hand and water-based in the other.[35] The Wood Release can create trees or various plants from simple seeds or evenflowering plants,[36] and manipulate vegetation, can produce plants from any surface, including the user's body. As the user's chakra is literally converted into a source of life. Wood Release Techniques(木遁の術, Mokuton no Jutsu) are commonly affiliated with the Snake seal.


The concept of special ninja techniques limited by bloodline inheritance may have been inspired in part by the works of Futaro Yamada, which strongly influenced later depictions of ninja in fiction. In particular, The Kōga Ninja Scrolls (甲賀忍法帖, Kōga Ninpōchō), published in 1959, featured a pair of warring ninja clans that, through selective breeding, had produced ninja with a variety of deformities, mutations, and special abilities, even dōjutsu.


  • Kekkei genkai can be preserved through the creation of Human Puppets. This allows them to retain the special traits of the users when they were still alive.
  • When a person is brought back to life via the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation technique, they also retain any kekkei genkai they possessed before their death.
  • A kekkei genkai should not be confused with hiden techniques. Hiden techniques are exclusive to a certain person or clan, but only because they have kept others from learning how to perform those techniques.


  1.  Naruto chapter 291, pages 15-16
  2.  Naruto chapter 297, page 9
  3.  Naruto chapter 585, page 6
  4.  Naruto chapter 415, pages 7-9
  5.  Naruto chapter 574, page 10
  6.  Naruto chapter 585, page 7
  7.  Naruto chapter 464, page 7
  8.  Naruto chapter 671, page 6
  9.  Third Databook, page 313
  10.  Naruto chapter 196, page 8
  11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 Naruto chapter 172, page 10
  12. ↑ 12.0 12.1 Naruto chapter 195, page 9
  13.  Naruto chapter 188, pages 7-8
  14.  Naruto episode 149
  15.  Naruto chapter 263, page 8
  16.  Naruto chapter 396, page 5
  17.  Naruto chapter 186, page 5
  18.  Naruto chapter 85, page 18
  19.  Naruto chapter 194, page 10
  20.  Naruto chapter 638, pages 1-3
  21.  Naruto chapter 546, page 1
  22.  Naruto chapter 386, page 13
  23.  Naruto chapter 657, page 8
  24.  Naruto chapter 373, page 2
  25.  Naruto chapter 425, page 9
  26.  Third Databook, page 313
  27.  Naruto chapter 449, page 1
  28.  Naruto chapter 12, page 7
  29.  Naruto chapter 671, page 6
  30.  Third Databook, page 313
  31.  First Databook, page 193
  32.  Naruto chapter 26, page 13
  33.  Naruto chapter 361, page 17
  34.  Naruto chapter 212, page 2
  35.  Naruto chapter 316, page 6
  36.  Naruto chapter 575, pages 4-5

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