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Anime Information : Naruto Jutsu #006 Absolute: Fang Passing Fang (Full Info)

Absolute: Fang Passing Fang
RōmajiZetsu: Gatsūga
Literal EnglishAbsolute: Fang Passing Fang
GamesAbsolute: Fang Over Fang
GameNaruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
Appears inGame only
ClassificationTaijutsuCollaboration Techniques
Other jutsu
Parent jutsu
Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru perform Fang Passing Fang and increase their final blow on the opponent, causing more than double the damage of the regular Fang Passing Fang. Kiba and Akamaru start with a Fang Passing Fang technique. If the move hits, the opponent is flipped into the air on the first strike, then the user returns to form the final move. If Kiba gets hit before he starts attacking, Akamaru will still attack using the Passing Fang.

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