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Anime Information : Naruto Volumes #065 The Worst Client (volume) (full Info)

The Worst Client
(最悪の依頼人, Saiaku no Irainin)
Volume Info
PreviousNaruto Uzumaki
NextFor the Sake of Dreams…!!
Release Date
JapaneseJune 2, 2000 ISBN (4-08-872878-0) Icon - Search
EnglishDecember 17, 2003 ISBN (978-1-59116-178-3) Icon - Search
Gōzu • Tazuna • Madam Shijimi • Meizu • Tora • Gatō• Zabuza Momochi • Kaji • Kumade Toriichi • Haku •Tsunami • Inari
The Worst Client (最悪の依頼人, Saiaku no Irainin) is volume 2 of the Naruto manga.

Chapter 8

And That's Why You're Disqualified!! (だから不合格だってんだ!!, Dakara Fugōkaku Dattenda!!)
Kakashi points out that NarutoSasuke, and Sakura have all failed to capture a bell because they were working by themselves. Had they worked together, they might have succeeded. Teamwork has been the point of the exercise, the prospective ninja meant to set aside the fact that one of them would be returning to the Academy in order to complete the mission. That they have completely missed this point does not leave Kakashi with much hope, but he agrees to give them another chance after lunch so long as Sasuke and Sakura do not give any food to Naruto. When Kakashi leaves, Sasuke and Sakura defy orders by giving Naruto some of their food, needing him to be in top form if they are to work together. Kakashi appears and informs them that all three have passed, as ensuring the team's cohesion is of more importance than following orders.

Chapter 9

The Worst Client (最悪の依頼人, Saiaku no Irainin)
After Team 7 completes an uneventful, D-rank mission of finding a stray catNaruto demands that theThird Hokage give them a more interesting assignment. The Third agrees to give them the C-rank task of escorting a man named Tazuna to his home in the Land of Waves. After leaving Konoha, they are attacked by the Demon Brothers, who quickly seem to kill Kakashi before turning their attention to Naruto.

Chapter 10

The Second Critter (2匹目, Nihikime)
Before the Demon Brothers can kill NarutoSasuke steps in and stops them. They turn their attention toTazuna, and Sakura comes to his defence. Before the brothers can land an attack, Kakashi appears and neutralises them, having only pretended to be killed so he could see who their target was. Obvious that protecting Tazuna is going to be more complicated than the C-rank mission they were assigned, Kakashi considers going home. Naruto, angry with himself for freezing up, demands that they complete the mission no matter how complicated it may become, vowing to never step down from a challenge.

Chapter 11

Disembarking…!! (上陸…!!, Jōriku…!!)
Team 7 agrees to continue protecting Tazuna. Since they are risking their lives for him, Tazuna tells them about why he lied about the mission. The Land of Waves has fallen under the control of a man named Gatō, who has reduced the country to poverty in order to continue his illegal import and export business. Tazuna hopes that, by building a bridge that will connect the Land of Waves with the mainland, he will be able to free the country from Gatō's control, which Gatō intends to stop by killing Tazuna. He adds that he had wanted to pay for the B-rank mission that this will be, but could only afford a C-rank. As soon as they arrive in the Land of Waves they are attacked by Zabuza Momochi, a skilled assassin.

Chapter 12

This is the End!! (終わりだ!!, Owari da!!)
Knowing that Zabuza will be a tough opponent, Kakashi uncovers his Sharingan eye. Intending to defeat the famous "Kakashi of the Sharingan", Zabuza coats the area in a thick mist so that he can try and kill Tazuna without anyone noticing. As Zabuza appears within Team 7 ranks and prepares to strike Tazuna, Kakashi stops him. This Zabuza turns out to be a water clone, and another Zabuza quickly attacks Kakashi. This Kakashi is also a water clone, having used his Sharingan to copy Zabuza's technique.

Chapter 13

I'm a Ninja!! (忍者だ!!, Ninja da!!)
As Kakashi holds Zabuza at knife point, Zabuza reveals that it is just another water clone. The real Zabuza appears and kicks Kakashi into a nearby lake, where he proceeds to trap Kakashi with his Water Prison Technique. Because he must remain with Kakashi to maintain the prison, Zabuza creates another water clone to deal with Tazuna and the rest of Team 7. Kakashi instructs them to flee, butNaruto, remembering his earlier vow to not run away from difficult situations, attacks the water clone.

Chapter 14

A Secret Plan…!! (秘策…!!, Hisaku…!!)
Defying Kakashi's orders to run, Naruto attacks Zabuza's water clone despite knowing how dangerous Zabuza is. He creates a number of shadow clones to overwhelm Zabuza, but the water clone easily parries them all. As the clones fall back, Naruto throws a fūma shuriken to Sasuke. Seeing what Naruto is up to, Sasuke throws the shuriken at the real Zabuza, ignoring the water clone. Zabuza easily catches it, only to realise that there is a second shuriken hiding in the shadow of the first. He dodges it, but as it goes passed him the second shuriken turns into Naruto.

Chapter 15

The Sharingan Revived!! (蘇る写輪眼!!, Yomigaeru Sharingan!!)
Zabuza is forced to release Kakashi in order to avoid Naruto's attack. Enraged by Naruto's actions, Zabuza tries to attack him, but is stopped by Kakashi. Kakashi congratulates Team 7 on their success and promises to start pulling his own weight. Zabuza attacks Kakashi with his Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique, and Kakashi instantly copies it with his Sharingan. As the two identical techniques collide, Zabuza prepares another attack, only to realise that Kakashi is mimicking everything he does. Kakashi attacks with Zabuza's own Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique, something Zabuza had only been thinking of doing. After landing the attack Kakashi prepares to finish off Zabuza, but a masked boy beats him to it by seeming to kill Zabuza.

Chapter 16

Who are You?! (お前は誰だ!!, Omae wa Dare da!!)
Kakashi checks Zabuza's pulse and, not being able to find one, concludes that the masked boy has killed him. Suspecting that the boy is a Kirigakure hunter-nin, Kakashi allows him to do as he wishes, tellingTeam 7 that it is the job of hunter-nin to track down and eliminate missing-nin like Zabuza. Naruto is angry that someone so young could kill someone as dangerous as Zabuza, but Kakashi informs him that it is something he will need to get used to. The boy leaves with Zabuza's body and Kakashi promptly collapses, having been left exhausted from overuse of his Sharingan. He is taken to Tazuna's home to rest. Meanwhile, the boy revives Zabuza, having only pretended to kill him to save him from Kakashi.

Chapter 17

Preparing for Battle!! (戦いの準備!!, Tatakai no Junbi!!)
Kakashi, suspicious about how the battle with Zabuza ended, tells Team 7 that Zabuza may still be alive as hunter-nin do not typically take a body elsewhere when destroying it. Since the masked boy did not only this but "killed" Zabuza with senbon, an unusual choice of weapon, the boy was probably saving Zabuza by putting him in a temporary death-like state. In case he is right, Kakashi decides to start training Team 7 to improve their chakra control for another encounter with Zabuza.

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