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Anime Information : Naruto Countries #035 Land of Waves (Personal Info)

Land of Waves
The Land of Waves.

The Land of Waves (波の国, Nami no Kuni) is a nation located on an island near the Land of Fire, and it does not have a hidden village, relying on seeking assistance from other Hidden Villages like Konohagakure.

The Land of Waves has many rivers running through it and is famous for its mangroves, which are filled with all kinds of lifeforms. Though an isolated island, relying on shipping for commerce and trade, it was prosperous. This changed when Gatō set his sights on it, breaking the people's will and monopolising the shipping industry. In order to break this monopoly, Tazuna, a citizen of the Land of Waves, pursued the construction of a bridge connecting the island to the mainland. Team 7's first real mission was to this country and was meant to be a simple bodyguard mission to protect Tazuna but ended up completing a far more difficult mission fighting ofZabuza Momochi and Haku, and, later with the help of Zabuza and the townspeople ending Gatō's reign of terror. With Gatō gone, the bridge was completed, connecting the Land of Waves to the Land of Fire, increasing commerce and trade and bringing more revenue to the Land. It is now a prosperous area.
Sasuke Uchiha briefly visits the country in Part II, bringing Suigetsu Hōzuki with him so Suigetsu can retrieve Zabuza's Kubikiribōchō. Tazuna and some of the citizens of the Land of Waves assisted Konoha rebuild after Pain's attack on Konoha.

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