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Anime Information : Naruto Characters #041 Azami (Full Info)

Azami (アザミ, Azami) is the granddaughter of Chen.


Azami at Chen's Graveyard
Azami visiting her grandfather's graveyard.
She was the only one who knew that her grandfather was alive. When she sawRock LeeNaruto Uzumaki, and Tenten on her grandfather's graveyard, they asked her if she knew how to perform her grandfather's technique, and she told them that he was alive, and that he always goes to the graveyard to eat her riceballs.


Azami is positive, sweet and devoted girl. She didn't believe that her grandfather had died and thus, she daily left him riceballs at his supposed gravesite.


Azami has light brown hair pulled into a ponytail and rather long bangs. She has stone grey eyes and thin eyebrows. She wears a yellow and black jacket with a high collar and red pants.

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