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Anime Information : Naruto Characters #038 Atsui (Full Info)

Atsui (アツイ, Atsui) is a shinobi from Kumogakure.


In stark contrast to his sister Samui, Atsui has a rather hot-headed and spirited attitude, which is evident even in battle. He prefers attacking his enemies head on, leaving him entirely devoid of any support at times. He has a tendency of saying the word "hot" (あつい, atsui) and admits that he has created a substantial amount of "hot-shot" catchphrases.[1]


He has shoulder-length, blond hair, worn in an asymmetrical bowl cut style and green eyes. His typical attire consists of a sleeveless version of the standard Kumogakure uniform, along with the village's respective flak jacket. He also has bandages on his forearms, shin guards and the kanji for "heat" (熱, netsu) tattooed on his left shoulder.


Kumo-Ryū Kaengiri
Atsui using Cloud-Style Flame Beheading.
Like many other Kumogakure shinobi, Atsui is extremely proficient inkenjutsu, and incorporates a long, white-hilted katana as part of his main fighting style. When this blade is utilised in conjunction with his Fire Release nature transformation techniques through the application ofChakra Flow, is capable of incinerating a significant quantity of opponents in a single instant.[2] The anime also showed that he is able to conjure flames with each swing of his sword.

Part II

Shinobi World War Arc

Darui Gets Backup
Atsui and Samui assist Darui.
Atsui, along with his sister were assigned to the First Division of theAllied Shinobi Forces during the Fourth Shinobi World War. When Daruiconfronted the reincarnated Gold and Silver Brothers, Atsui and his sister provided assistance. Attacked almost immediately by numerousWhite Zetsu Army clones, he incinerated them before he moved to confronted towards the opposing Kinkaku and Ginkaku head-on. Both he and Samui are hit by the Kōkinjō, resulting in their "word souls" (言霊,kotodama) being drawn from their bodies.
Atsui Sucked into Benihisago
Atsui being absorbed by Ginkaku into the gourd.
With their respective word souls subsequently severed by theShichiseiken and absorbed by the Benihisago, the siblings are placed under a combination curse and sealing technique, where if they uttered the word they've used most in their lives, they'll be imprisoned for eternity. Although Samui advised that he not speak, Kinkaku's subsequent attack prompted Atsui to say "hot", causing him to be sucked into the gourd. Darui later promised to find a way to release him and Samui who was sucked into the gourd as well. The gourd with Atsui and Samui inside was later taken by Tobi in order to seal the portion of the Nine-Tails' chakra that was within Ginkaku who was also absorbed into the gourd some time later.[3]


  • "Atsui" (熱い) means "hot" in Japanese (in reference to temperature), in contrast to Samui's name which means "cold".
  • When the Benihisago is later devoured by the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to absorb Ginkaku's Nine-Tails' chakra, Atsui's status remains questionable.[4]


  • (To Samui) "Looks like you're a little hot under the collar today, sis! These guys must be something else!"[5]
  • (To Darui and Samui) "They look like nasty weapons, but in the end they're just tools! Our techniques have soul, they're too hot for these guys to handle!"[6]
  • (About his most used word) "What could it be? I've got a million hot-shot catchphrases, but which one do I use the most? Which one is it?!"[1]


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Naruto chapter 527, page 10
  2.  Naruto chapter 527, pages 1-4
  3.  Naruto chapter 537
  4.  Naruto chapter 592, page 10
  5.  Naruto chapter 527, page 1
  6.  Naruto chapter 527, page 3

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