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Anime Information : Naruto Countries #025 Land of Snow (Personal Info)

Land of Snow
Land of Snow.

The Land of Snow (雪の国, Yuki no Kuni) was the main focus of Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, in which it had been taken over by a tyrant, Dotō Kazahana, after he killed his brother and predecessor,Sōsetsu Kazahana.

The Land of Snow becomes the Land of Spring.

At the end of the movie, the country is renamed to Land of Spring (春の国, Haru no Kuni) and all the snow melts, when the tyrant Dotō was defeated by Naruto Uzumaki. Dotō's niece and Sōsetsu's daughter, Koyuki Kazahana, the princess who escaped ten years ago from her uncle's grasp, assumed her birthright as the country's newdaimyō.


Main article: YukigakureYukigakure (雪隠れの里, Yukigakure no Sato; Literally meaning "Village Hidden Among Snow") is located in the Land of Snow, and is featured in the first Naruto movie. Its ninja apparently specialise in manipulating pre-existing ice, typically in the forms of various animals.

Kazahana Castle

Main article: Kazahana Castle
The Kazahana Castle (風花城, Kazahana-jō; Literally meaning "Snowflake Castle") was a beautiful Japanese-style castle, located in the mountains of the Land of Snow, and belonged to the late daimyō, Sōsetsu Kazahana, who lived in it with his daughter, Koyuki.


The Land of Snow possesses an unusually advanced level of technology when compared to other countries in the Naruto world. Things such as railroads, airships, snow mobiles, power generators and volley guns are commonplace here, though the latter fired salvos of kunai instead of bullets. Additionally, their ninja wear special Chakra Armour that makes them virtually immune to ninjutsu andgenjutsu.

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