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Anime Information : Naruto Arcs #030 Sasuke Retrieval Arc (full Info)

The Sasuke Retrieval Arc spans from chapters 172 to 238 of the manga, and episodes 107 to 135 of theNaruto anime. This arc sets the tone for Naruto: Shippūden, where Sasuke decides he is not powerful enough and leaves for Orochimaru to gain power, and his final battle at the Valley of the End againstNaruto Uzumaki. It also includes Naruto's first use of his one-tailed form when the Nine-Tails grants him more power to defeat Sasuke. It is the last arc of Part I of the manga. In the anime, the arc is followed by a long series of multiple short arcs. For the anime only, this arc is preceded by the Land of Tea Arc and is followed by the Land of Rice Fields Arc, while in the manga it is only preceded by theSearch for Tsunade Arc.


Want for Power

Naruto's influence on Sasuke, though profound, was powerless to prevent Sasuke from leaving his village and friends to receive training from Orochimaru. Sasuke's decision to leave was the result of a chain of events that rekindled his hatred for his brother and desire to avenge his clan. To do so, he must claim a great amount of power, which became the centre of his entire life.
Humiliated by Itachi's declaration that he was disappointingly weak, and aware of the fact that Naruto might be his superior, Sasuke challenged Naruto to a fight after Naruto returned to Konoha. They engaged in a heated duel on the rooftop of the hospital, where Naruto told Sasuke that he had never considered himself inferior to Sasuke. Kakashi leapt in to stop the fight just when Naruto and Sasuke were about to use their Rasengan and Chidori on each other, deflecting both their attacks into adjacent water towers. While Sasuke's Chidori made a larger dent on the front of the tower than Naruto's Rasengan, Sasuke was shocked to find that the back of Naruto's water tank had been completely blown out by the power of his Rasengan. Sasuke realised he might have lost the fight and received major injuries if Kakashi hadn't stopped the fight. This only made Sasuke even angrier that Naruto was getting stronger by the day, and could actually be able to defeat him in battle.
Sasuke sound 4
Sasuke leaves Konoha and joins Sound Four.
Ever since the Chūnin Exam and the fight against Gaara of the Sand Waterfall, Sasuke had felt that Naruto had been improving immensely. Naruto only wanted recognition from Sasuke, recognition that he really had got stronger. However, Sasuke would never recognise Naruto, because, by doing so, he would also have to admit that he was weaker than him. Despite a lecture from Kakashi about the pointlessness of revenge, the appearance of Orochimaru's Sound Four, with an offer of greater powers, and yet another humiliating pummelling, tipped Sasuke over the edge. Sasuke went to leave the village that night, but was disrupted by Sakura, who then tried to convince him to not leave Konoha.
During this conversation, a crying and desperate Sakura confessed her love to Sasuke, and begged him not to leave the village. Once she realised that he was going to leave either way, she offered to go with him to help him enact his revenge, which he ultimately refused. As a last resort, Sakura threatened to scream and alert the village guards if Sasuke left, and finally, having hit a nerve, Sasuke moved from in front of Sakura to behind her in a flash of speed. He thanked her for everything she had done for him thus far, before knocking her unconscious and laying her on a nearby bench, and then leaving the village.

Chōji vs. Jirōbō

-Sound vs. Leaf-
Konoha vs. Oto.
A five-man squad was gathered by Shikamaru, including himself, Kiba, Naruto, Chōji, and Neji. Naruto also recommended Shino, however Shino was on a special mission with his father at the time. Sakura arrives just before they're leaving and explains to while crying that she failed to stop Sasuke, and asks Naruto, who she believes to be the only one capable of doing so, to do it as a once in a lifetime request. Naruto makes her a lifetime promise to her to bring Sasuke back to the village. They easily caught up to the Sound Four, who were escorting Sasuke to Orochimaru. Strategies were not used; rather, the team split up. The same happened on the part of the Sound Four: they dropped people one by one, and Chōji ended up fighting Jirōbō by himself. Using two of the secret pills of the Akimichi clan, Chōji was able to increase his chakra enough to keep from being defeated. In the end, he had to consume the red pepper pill, which increased his chakra a hundredfold but left him in an extremely critical condition, usually resulting in death. Taking the pill slimmed down his body, as the excess calories were converted into butterfly wings of chakra. After getting his revenge on Jirōbō for eating the last chip and for calling him fat, Chōji put all his chakra and power into his fist, and killed Jirōbō for insulting his best friend, Shikamaru.

Neji vs. Kidōmaru

Your Opponent is Me!
Neji vs. Kidōmaru.
Next, Neji ended up fighting Kidōmaru. Kidōmaru had trouble at short-range, since Neji's Byakugan and Gentle Fist were too powerful to penetrate. Kidōmaru ended up fighting from long-range, but the battle was locked in a stalemate, until Kidōmaru discovered a weakness of the Byakugan: it has a blind spot behind Neji's first thoracic vertebrae. Knowing that he would be hit in this area, Neji intentionally allowed Kidōmaru hit him with a powerful arrow, to which Kidōmaru had affixed a chakra string to ensure accuracy. However, Neji used the chakra string to use his Gentle Fist to damage Kidōmaru's internal organs. Neji then caught up with Kidōmaru, and used his 8 Trigrams to close Kidōmaru's tenketsu (chakra points); Kidōmaru died shortly after. Neji was left in a critical state after the fight.

Kiba and Akamaru vs. Sakon and Ukon/Shikamaru vs. Tayuya

Kiba and Akamaru's Dual wolf fang
Kiba and Akamaru attack Sakon and Ukon.
Shikamaru was matched up with Tayuya, while Kiba and Akamaru were with Sakon and Ukon. Kiba and Akamaru did an amazing tag team on Sakon, but Sakon split with Ukon right before Kiba and Akamaru could lay a devastating blow. Sakon and Ukon activated their Cursed Seal to Level Two, which made them far too powerful for Kiba and Akamaru to cope with. Meanwhile, Shikamaru, despite all his prowess at forming strategies, simply couldn't kill Tayuya because of her sheer force. He managed to use his Shadow Imitation Technique on her three summons, but she quickly dispelled them both. Then he caught her in his Shadow Imitation Technique, then his Shadow–Neck Binding Technique, while, at the same time, Akamaru had got injured, with Kiba refusing to leave him. Without Akamaru to do their combination attacks, however, Kiba and Akamaru were forced to retreat (Kiba was forced to stab himself in order to escape), and Shikamaru, for the first time, couldn't come up with any ideas to defeat Tayuya, and was forced to keep his Shadow–Neck Binding Technique on her. Finally, Shikamaru and Kiba were ready to accept their deaths. However, before the finishing strikes could be executed, the Sand ninja arrived to help.

The Sand Arrives

The Sand Siblings
The Sand Siblings join the fight.
Right before Shikamaru and Kiba were about to die, they were aided byTemari and Kankurō respectively, who had been ordered to help the Konoha ninja. Kankurō's puppets were unaffected by Sakon and Ukon's ability to fuse with cells. When Sakon arrived, he attempted to do the same thing he had almost done with Kiba, but Kankurō turned out to be his new puppet, Black Ant, to injure Sakon, forcing them to fuse back and Ukon to take over. Kankurō then trapped Sakon and Ukon inside his puppet Black Ant. Kankurō then used Karasu to stab them through holes in Black Ant, and used Crow and Black Ant to do a devastating and deadly combo, Black Secret Technique Machine One Shot, thus killing the brothers. Meanwhile, since Tayuya used sound to attack, Temari's wind was a natural enemy. Temari used her Sickle Weasel Technique, which blew away Tayuya and cut her flute in half. Shikamaru used this time to tell Temari about Tayuya's strategies. After a while, Tayuya fixed her flute, and was ready to kill Shikamaru and Temari, but Temari used her Summoning Technique and used the Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance, which was able to kill Tayuya by destroying an entire tract of the forest, in which the sliced debris crushed the latter.

Rock Lee and Gaara vs. Kimimaro

Last, Kimimaro, who was stronger than all of the Sound Four combined, came to aid the escort mission. At first, he was faced with Naruto, but even Naruto's massive amounts of shadow clones proved to be no match for Kimimaro, whose taijutsu skills were more than a match for Naruto's superior numbers. Naruto even used the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's chakra, but was still losing. Rock Lee then came to help Naruto, allowing Naruto to chase after Sasuke while Lee fought Kimimaro.
Both Lee and Kimimaro were taijutsu experts, but, since Lee had only recently recovered from his surgery, he was not in top shape. Lee drank some sake that he thought was medicine and became intoxicated, and began fighting with the Drunken Fist style. With this added unpredictability, Lee gained an upper hand against Kimimaro. However, he clearly had no idea what he was doing, who he was fighting, and why he felt so drunk. After a while, Kimimaro was forced to do his Dance of the Camellia, but Rock Lee then appeared to be virtually invincible, and laid a devastating blow to Kimimaro. Seeing that there was no chance of him defeating Lee in his present state, Kimimaro used his Cursed Seal Level One and overpowered Lee, manifesting his horrific ability to manipulate his bones at will. Not only this, but Lee began to sober up. Lee would have been killed if Gaara had not arrived in time and used his sand to protect Lee.
Kimimaro vs Gaara Rock Lee
Kimimaro's last seconds of life.
For obvious reasons, Kimimaro was at a disadvantage, since Gaara was capable of blocking all physical attacks, and Kimimaro could only use physical attacks. However, like the Sound Four, Kimimaro was able to get past Gaara's defence and offence by sheer force. Kimimaro's bones were so tough that they simply forced their way through Gaara's sand. EvenSand Waterfall Funeral and other crushing forces couldn't bring down Kimimaro, as he created a film of bone beneath his skin to protect himself. Kimimaro would have defeated and killed Gaara with his last attack, but, just before Kimimaro could finish Gaara, his terminal illness ended his life.

Naruto vs. Sasuke

Naruto enters his initial jinchūriki form.
Naruto caught up with Sasuke and they began battling. Sasuke's Cursed Seal of Heaven, which had been powered up by a pill given to him by the Sound Four (this was why he was in the coffin), gave Sasuke inhuman strength, which he used to reduce Naruto to almost rag-doll levels. Meanwhile, Sasuke recalled his experiences with Itachi and his parents up to the point of the Uchiha clan massacre. It was in these memories that the Mangekyō Sharingan, and how Itachi obtained it (by killing his best friend, Shisui Uchiha) was revealed; it was also revealed that Itachi had encouraged Sasuke to gain the Mangekyō Sharingan, which he claimed to be the only way he could exact revenge on Itachi, by any means necessary, and this became Sasuke's motivation for killing Naruto, who he claimed to be his best friend.
Back in Konoha, Kakashi Hatake, brought up to speed on the situation, summoned his ninken, includingPakkun, to track down Naruto and Sasuke. Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke unleashed the Rasengan andChidori respectively, causing each other to fly backwards. Activating his Cursed Seal, Sasuke used his enhanced speed and strength to overcome Naruto and strike him with a Chidori. Naruto managed to block the attack, but Sasuke, still intent on killing Naruto, tried to strangle Naruto, only to have himself thrown aside by a Nine-Tails-powered opponent.
With his enhanced abilities, Naruto was able to easily overwhelm Sasuke all the while trying to reason with him, only to have Sasuke ultimately reject his efforts. Despite this, Sasuke finally admitted they were fighting as equals. In this moment, Sasuke's Sharingan finally matured, enabling him to predict Naruto's movements and once again turn the tables. Upset by Naruto's persistence, Sasuke knocked him unconscious with Peregrine Falcon Drop. The Nine-Tails, probably to save itself, gave Naruto even more of its chakra, creating, for the first time, Naruto's one-tailed transformation, complete with the demon fox cloak that surrounds him. With one arm of the cloak, Naruto unleashed powerful short and long-range attacks, which Sasuke, even with his Sharingan, was unable to keep up with.
Sasuke Naruto Clash
Naruto and Sasuke's final clash.
Feeling he had no choice, Sasuke increased his Cursed Seal of Heaven to Level Two, once again evening the playing field. Both Sasuke and Naruto realised the cost of their respective abilities at that point, but both decided that they had no other choice. Sasuke revealed that the location of their fight was the Valley of the End, and, determined to end the battle, forced the use of a third Chidori. Naruto created, using one hand, and the demon fox cloak's chakra as a shell, the Demon Fox Rasengan. Sasuke's Chidori, after a moment, warped into the Flapping Chidori. The two ninja collided their attacks; Sasuke, planning to punch Naruto in the heart, deliberately missed, and targeted the gut instead, while Naruto, referring to one of Sasuke's insults, scratched his headband. A black dome of energy formed around them, which eventually dissipated, revealing the two ninja as their current forms, and then as their childish forms, who held hands and smiled at each other. When the dust settled, Sasuke was revealed to be victorious.
Sasuke pondered whether or not to kill an unconscious Naruto, but decided to leave him alive in the end. Kakashi and Pakkun arrived; disappointed they were too late, Kakashi took Naruto back to Konoha. At the same time, Sasuke decided to gain the power to kill Itachi his own way, through Orochimaru, as he walked off to Otogakure. It was then revealed that Akatsuki member, Zetsu, had been watching the fight the whole time.

Mission Failure

The Promise That Could Not Be Kept
Shikamaru breaks down into tears.
As Kakashi took Naruto back to Konoha, several medical-nin appeared to update him on the situation, and to take care of Naruto "and Sasuke", which Kakashi deemed unnecessary for obvious reasons in both cases. Neji and Chōji both underwent intensive medical treatment; both were successfully healed thanks to the Nara clan's medical tome, Tsunade's medical prowess and Shizune and a team of medical-nin. Kiba and Akamaru were also healed from their moderate injuries, under the care of Hana, his elder sister. Shikamaru, with only his finger injured, decided to end his ninja career, as he put his team's life in danger, and his mission failed regardless, but Shikaku convinced him to persevere. Sasuke was shown walking with Orochimaru and Kabuto in one of Orochimaru's lairs.
Shikamaru paid Naruto a visit in his room, while Sakura decided to visit Naruto "and Sasuke", only to be severely disappointed by Naruto's failure to bring Sasuke back, as she overheard Naruto and Shikamaru's conversation. Naruto, however, declared his promise to keep to his original promise, to which Sakura gratefully responded. After her visit to Naruto, Sakura, realising how useless she had been in keeping Sasuke in Konoha, requested for Tsunade to take her on as her apprentice, to which Tsunade consented. Naruto's next visitor was Jiraiya, who revealed that Orochimaru had already taken a body before Sasuke arrived (so he had to wait another three years to take another body) and tried to convince Naruto to give up on Sasuke, based on his similar experience with Orochimaru. Naruto, however, refused to quit his efforts. Jiraiya, who figured it pointless to change Naruto's mind, decided to train Naruto for two and a half years, to prepare Naruto for the Akatsuki, which Naruto readily accepted. Akatsuki convenes and decide to hasten their plans.
In the anime, Naruto was forced to remain in Konoha for a few months before setting out with Jiraiya. In the manga, he left as soon as he got out of the hospital. Sakura also asked to become Tsunade's apprentice at a later point in the anime.


#English titleKanji titleRomaji title
173Those Suffering苦悩する者たちKunōsuru Mono-Tachi
174Feelings, Each One…!想い、それぞれ…!Omoi, Sorezore…!
175Naruto vs. Sasuke!!ナルトvsサスケ!!Naruto Bāsasu Sasuke!!
176They Who are Called RivalsライバルというものRaibaru to Iu Mono
177The Oto Four音の四人衆Oto no Yoninshū
178Oto's Invitation…!!音の誘い…!!Oto no Izanai…!!
179Don't Forget…!!忘れるな…!!Wasureruna…!!
180It's a Promise!!約束だ!!Yakusoku da!!
181The Beginning of the Battle…!!闘いの始まり…!!Tatakai no Hajimari…!!
183The Promise of a Lifetime一生の約束Isshō no Yakusoku
184Oto vs. Konoha!!音vs木ノ葉!!Oto Bāsasu Konoha!!
185Pursue Oto…!!音を追え…!!Oto o Oe…!!
186The Strategy… Failed?!作戦…失敗!?Sakusen… Shippai!?
187Begging for One's Life…!!命乞い…!!Inochigoi…!!
188The Shinobi of Konohagakure…!!木ノ葉隠れの忍…!!Konohagakure no Shinobi
189The Power of Faith…!!信じる力…!!Shinjiru Chikara…!!
192The Plan…!!段取り…!!Dandori…!!
193Game OverゲームオーバーGēmu Ōbā
194Sounding OutさぐりあいSaguriai
195The Way to Capture…!!攻略法…!!Kōryakuhō…!!
196The Number One Strongest Enemy!!一番強い敵!!Ichiban Tsuyoi Teki!!
197Prepared to Die!!決死の覚悟!!Kesshi no Kakugo!!
200Just as Planned…!!計算通り…!!Keisandōri…!!
201Not as Planned…!!計算違い…!!Keisan Chigai…!!
202Three Wishes!!三つの願い!!Mittsu no Negai!!
203Sakon's Secret左近の秘密Sakon no Himitsu
204Ukon's Ability右近の能力Ukon no Nōryoku
205Kiba's Determination!!キバの決意!!Kiba no Ketsui!!
207Playing Without Rook and Bishop飛車角落ちHishakakuochi
208The First Move was a Fake-Out!!一手目はフェイク!!Itteme wa Feiku!!
209Supporter, Calling On!!助っ人、参上!!Suketto, Sanjō!!
210Lee's Secret!!リーの秘密!!Rī no Himitsu!!
212Crisis, Crisis, Crisis!!ピンチ・ピンチ・ピンチ!!Pinchi, Pinchi, Pinchi!!
213A Great Debt…!!大きな借り…!!Ōkina Kari…!!
214Step Aside for a Moment…!!いったん退いて…!!Ittan Hiite…!!
215Gaara of the Sand Waterfall砂瀑の我愛羅Sabaku no Gaara
216Spear and Shield…!!矛と盾…!!Hoko to Tate…!!
217For the Sake of Those Precious大切な者の為にTaisetsuna Mono no Tame ni
218Konoha Comrades!!木ノ葉の仲間!!Konoha no Nakama!!
219Future and Past未来と過去Mirai to Kako
220Itachi and Sasuke, Brothers兄と弟Itachi to Sasuke
221The Too Distant Elder Brother遠すぎる兄Tōsugiru Ani
222Itachi's Doubtイタチの疑惑Itachi no Giwaku
223Sasuke and his Fatherサスケと父Sasuke to Chichi
224That Day…!!その日…!!Sono Hi…!!
225Within Darkness…!!闇の中…!!Yami no Naka…!!
226Close Friend…!!親しき友に…!!Shitashiki Tomo ni…!!
227Chidori vs. Rasengan!!千鳥VS螺旋丸!!Chidori Bāsasu Rasengan!!
228Kakashi's Premonitionカカシの予感Kakashi no Yokan
229The Bond…!!繋がり…!!Tsunagari…!!
230The Time of Awakening!!目醒めの時!!Mezame no Toki!!
231Special Powers!!特別な力!!Tokubetsuna Chikara!!
232The Valley of the End終末の谷Shūmatsu no Tani
233The Worst Ending…!!最悪の結末…!!Saiaku no Ketsumatsu…!!
234The Day of Parting…!!別れの日…!!Wakare no Hi…!!
235Mission Failed…!!任務失敗…!!Ninmu Shippai…!!
236The Promise that Couldn't be Kept守れなかった約束Mamorenakatta Yakusoku
238The Day of Departure!!旅立ちの日!!Tabidachi no Hi!!


#Episode TitleJapanese AirdateEnglish Airdate
107The Battle Begins: Naruto vs. Sasuke3 November 20046 October 2007
108Bitter Rivals and Broken Bonds10 November 200413 October 2007
109An Invitation from the Sound17 November 200420 October 2007
110Formation! The Sasuke Retrieval Squad24 November 200427 October 2007
111Sound vs. Leaf24 November 200427 October 2007
112Squad Mutiny: Everything Falls Apart!1 December 20043 November 2007
113Full Throttle Power! Chōji, Ablaze!8 December 20043 November 2007
114Good-bye Old Friend…! I'll Always Believe in You!15 December 200410 November 2007
115Your Opponent is Me!22 December 200410 November 2007
116360 Degrees of Vision: The Byakugan's Blind Spot5 January 200524 November 2007
117Losing is Not an Option!5 January 200524 November 2007
118The Vessel Arrives Too Late12 January 20051 December 2007
119Miscalculation: A New Enemy Appears!19 January 20051 December 2007
120Roar and Howl! The Ultimate Tag-Team!2 February 20058 December 2007
121To Each His Own Battle9 February 20058 December 2007
122Fakeout: Shikamaru's Comeback!16 February 200515 December 2007
123The Leaf's Handsome Devil!23 February 200515 December 2007
124The Beast Within2 March 200522 December 2007
125The Sand Shinobi: Allies of the Leaf9 March 200522 December 2007
126Showdown: Gaara vs. Kimimaro16 March 200529 December 2007
127Vengeful Strike! The Bracken Dance!30 March 200529 December 2007
128A Cry on Deaf Ears30 March 20055 January 2008
129Brothers: Distance Among the Uchiha6 April 20055 January 2008
130Father and Son, the Broken Crest13 April 200512 January 2008
131The Secrets of the Mangekyō Sharingan20 April 200512 January 2008
132For a Friend…27 April 200519 January 2008
133A Plea from a Friend4 May 200519 January 2008
134The End of Tears11 May 200526 January 2008
135The Promise That Could Not Be Kept18 May 200526 January 2008

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