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Anime Information : Naruto Characters #021 Amayo (Full Info)

Amayo (アマヨ, Amayo) is the ex-wife of Michiru Tsuki and the mother of Hikaru Tsuki.


Amayo has long bushy dark brown hair and bangs falling over her forehead. She has brown eyes and wears a necklace. She also wears a pinkish-coloured earring on each ear.

Plot Overview

She greets Hikaru after his world trip, but has difficulty recognising her fattened ex-husband. She breaks into an argument with him telling him that there is something more important than money, something that only made her angrier at him when he tried to offer her materialistic goods as a way to make up. As Ishidate is defeated, Michiru realises that she was telling him the most important thing is protecting his loved ones.

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