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Anime Information : Naruto Tools #089 Kabutowari
30 Apr 2014

Kabutowari Name Kanji兜割 RōmajiKabutowari Literal EnglishHelmet Splitter Viz mangaHelmet Splitter OtherBluntsword (鈍刀, Dontō), Blunt Blade D...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #090 Jōhyō
30 Apr 2014

Jōhyō Name Kanji縄鏢 or 縄標 RōmajiJōhyō Literal EnglishRope Dart English TVRope Javelin Debut AnimeNaruto Episode #216 Appears inAnime only Da...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #091 Jofuku Flower
30 Apr 2014

Jofuku Flower Name Kanji徐福花 RōmajiJofukubana Literal EnglishGradual good fortune flower Debut AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #186 Appears in...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #088 Kama
30 Apr 2014

Kama Name Kanji鎌 RōmajiKama Literal EnglishSickle Debut MangaChapter #32 AnimeNaruto Episode #19 MovieNaruto: Shippūden the Movie GameNarut...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #080 Konoha Chakra Blade
30 Apr 2014

Konoha Chakra Blade Name Kanjiチャクラ刀 RōmajiChakura Tō Literal EnglishChakra Blade Debut MovieNaruto Shippūden 4: The Lost Tower Appears inMovie o...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #092 Jidanda
30 Apr 2014

Jidanda Jidanda's handle and hidden explosive tags. Name Kanji地団駄 RōmajiJidanda Literal EnglishStamping Debut AnimeNaruto Shippūden ...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #087 Third Kazekage
30 Apr 2014

Third Kazekage Name Kanji三代目風影 RōmajiSandaime Kazekage Literal EnglishThird Wind Shadow Debut MangaChapter #266 AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episo...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #086 Kiba (swords)
30 Apr 2014

Kiba Name Kanji牙 RōmajiKiba Literal EnglishFangs Viz mangaBoltsword OtherThunderswords (雷刀, Raitō), Lightning Blades Debut MangaChapter #52...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #085 Knight Sword
30 Apr 2014

Knight Sword The Knight Sword, shortened. Name Kanjiナイトソード RōmajiNaitosōdo Literal EnglishKnight Sword Debut MovieNaruto the Movie 2: Le...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #084 Kohaku no Jōhei
30 Apr 2014

Kohaku no Jōhei Name Kanji琥珀の浄瓶 RōmajiKohaku no Jōhei Literal EnglishAmber Purifying Pot English TVSealing Urn Debut MangaChapter #494 AnimeNaru...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #083 Kōkinjō
30 Apr 2014

Kōkinjō Name Kanji幌金縄 RōmajiKōkinjō Literal EnglishGolden Canopy Rope Viz mangaRope of Clarity Debut MangaChapter #525 AnimeNaruto Shippūden&nbs...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #082 Kokutō
30 Apr 2014

Kokutō Name Kanji黒刀 RōmajiKokutō Literal EnglishBlack Blade Debut MangaChapter #327 AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #80 Appears inAnime and M...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #081 Komushi (puppet)
30 Apr 2014

Komushi Name Kanjiコムシ RōmajiKomushi Debut AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #319 Appears inAnime only Data  [Hide] Wielder Sasori...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #079 Kubikiribōchō
30 Apr 2014

Kubikiribōchō Name Kanji首斬り包丁 RōmajiKubikiribōchō Literal EnglishDecapitating Carving Knife Viz mangaExecutioner's Blade English TVGuillotine Sw...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #078 Kunai
30 Apr 2014

Kunai Name Kanjiクナイ RōmajiKunai Debut MangaChapter #1 AnimeNaruto Episode #1 MovieNaruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow GameNar...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #077 Kunai Blades
30 Apr 2014

Kunai Blades Debut MangaChapter #318 AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #74 Appears inAnime and Manga Data  [Hide] Wielder Izumo K...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #076 Kurosawa
30 Apr 2014

Kurosawa Name Kanji黒澤 RōmajiKurosawa Literal EnglishBlack Swamp GamesThe Famed Blade Debut MangaChapter #516 AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode ...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #075 Kusarigama
30 Apr 2014

Kusarigama Name Kanji鎖鎌 RōmajiKusarigama Literal EnglishChain-Sickle Debut MangaChapter #73 AnimeNaruto Episode #43 MovieNaruto 5: Blood Pr...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #069 Fūma
29 Apr 2014

Ice Bombs Debut MovieNaruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow Appears inMovie only Data  [Hide] Wielder Fubuki Kakuyoku ...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #073 Injection Shot Sniper
29 Apr 2014

Injection Shot Sniper Debut AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #183 Appears inAnime only This is one of the tools used by the medical-nin...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #071 Infinite Armour
29 Apr 2014

Infinite Armour Name Kanji無限甲蓋 RōmajiMugen Kōgai Literal EnglishInfinite Armour English TVInfinite Kujaku Armour Debut AnimeNaruto Episode ...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #070 Icha Icha
29 Apr 2014

Icha Icha Name Kanjiイチャイチャ RōmajiIcha Icha Literal EnglishMake Out Debut MangaChapter #4 AnimeNaruto Episode #4 MovieNaruto the Movie: Ninj...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #072 Injection Shot
29 Apr 2014

Injection Shot Debut AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #183 Appears inAnime only Data  [Hide] Wielder Shizune Tenten These ...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #074 Iron Sand
29 Apr 2014

Iron Sand Name Kanji砂鉄 RōmajiSatetsu Literal EnglishSand Iron English TVIron Sand Debut MangaChapter #268 AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #22...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #068 Hyūga Clan Secret Ointment
29 Apr 2014

Hyūga Clan Secret Ointment Debut MangaChapter #77 AnimeNaruto Episode #27 GameNaruto: Ninja Council Appears inAnime, Manga and Game Data &...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #067 Hiruko
29 Apr 2014

Hiruko Name Kanjiヒルコ RōmajiHiruko Debut MangaChapter #247 AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #2 GameNaruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja 4 OVANaruto...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #066 Hiramekarei
29 Apr 2014

Hiramekarei Name Kanjiヒラメカレイ RōmajiHiramekarei OtherTwinsword (双刀, Sōtō) Debut MangaChapter #454 AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #199 Ga...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #065 Hidden Kunai Mechanism
29 Apr 2014

Hidden Kunai Mechanism Debut MangaChapter #283 AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #34 Appears inAnime and Manga Data  [Hide] Wielder ...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #064 Hexagonal Crystal
29 Apr 2014

Hexagonal Crystal Name Kanji六角水晶 RōmajiRokkaku Suishō Literal EnglishHexagonal Crystal Debut MovieNaruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of S...

Anime Information : Naruto Tools #063 Hero Water
29 Apr 2014

Hero Water Name Kanji英雄の水 RōmajiEiyu no Mizu Literal EnglishHero Water Debut OVAMission: Protect the Waterfall Village! Appears inAnime only Dat...

Naruto The Last: Naruto the Movie Character Growth


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Anime Information : Naruto Tools #089 Kabutowari

Bluntsword Kabutowari
Literal EnglishHelmet Splitter
Viz mangaHelmet Splitter
OtherBluntsword (鈍刀, Dontō), Blunt Blade
MangaChapter #523
AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #266
GameNaruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3
Appears inAnime, Manga and Game
The Kabutowari (兜割; Literally meaning "Helmet Splitter") is one of the swords of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, wielded by Jinin Akebino. The sword itself consists of a giant axe and hammer, linked end-to-end by a flat thin leather-like rope, which together are referred to as a "bluntsword" (鈍刀, dontō) that is said to be able to break through any defence. Although the length of cord means each weapon can be utilised individually, to cut and crush obstructions respectively, their true strength lies in their capability to be employed in conjunction with one another. When facing a particularly difficult or seemingly impenetrable defence; the wielder can first attack by striking with the axe, before slamming the hammer downwards onto its blunt backside, thus using the blade like a wedge to drive straight through the offending obstacle and into the desired target located behind.
The sword is first seen when a reincarnated Mangetsu Hōzuki summons it from a scroll, where it is then returned to its respective wielder, Jinin.
In the anime, Jinin was able to use the hammer part of Kabutowari to create a powerful shock-wave by slamming it into the ground. The axe part of it was able to cut straight through an Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall and create a shockwave as well.[1]


  1.  Naruto: Shippūden episode 284
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Anime Information : Naruto Tools #090 Jōhyō

Kanji縄鏢 or 縄標
Literal EnglishRope Dart
English TVRope Javelin
AnimeNaruto Episode #216
Appears inAnime only
The Jōhyō consists of a long rope, typically several metres long, with a handle attached to one end, and a metal dart attached to other, acting as a weight which allows the user to throw the dart out at a long range target to bind them then either reel them in or perform an attack on them.
This weapon makes an appearance in the Ultimate Weapon ArcGaara, as an instructor, introduced the jōhyō, a relatively non-lethal weapon, to his pupil, Matsuri, for practical weapons training over the more bulky weapons to choose from. As Gaara stated when he demonstrated the Jōhyō's practical use to Matsuri; "the teeth on the end of the string are not so much for attacking, as they are to prevent the opponent from getting too close. And then with the rope… Render them unable to attack".
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Anime Information : Naruto Tools #091 Jofuku Flower

Jofuku Flower
Jofuku flower
Literal EnglishGradual good fortune flower
AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #186
Appears inAnime only
The Jofuku flower is a medicinal plant that can be found in the Jofuku Forest at the border of the Land of Fire. The flower has two very peculiar traits, the first being that the flower has seven different colours and secondly, when uprooted, will release a pollen like substance which takes the form of the target's arch-enemy or whoever they were thinking of at the time to attack and defend the flowers.


  • On the official TV Tokyo's page the term "Jofuku grass" (徐福草, jofukusō; Literally meaning "gradual good fortune grass") is used.
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Anime Information : Naruto Tools #088 Kama

Literal EnglishSickle
MangaChapter #32
AnimeNaruto Episode #19
MovieNaruto: Shippūden the Movie
GameNaruto: Ultimate Ninja 3
OVANaruto: The Cross Roads
Appears inAnime, Manga, Game and Movie
 [HideRelated tools
kama is a Japanese sickle used as a weapon. It has a short handle and a pointed beak with a sharp cutting edge that inflicts damage. There is also a variation of the kama, a kusarigama, which has a chain attached to it for increasing its attack range.
Unlike its traditional intended use, the kama has been most commonly observed being employed by shinobias a throwing weapon rather than in close combat, where the entire weapon is tossed in such a manner that it rotates quickly end over end, to increase the probability that the bladed edge will strike its intended target.

Types of Kama

  • An unnamed Konoha shinobi used an unusual one against Pain's Deva Path in the anime, as this one was fully compactable so that it could easily be carried about his person. Both the weapon's blade and handle were collapsible, with each comprising from two and three individual sections respectively.[1] However, in the manga, this weapon was instead depicted as a similarly compactable kusarigama.[2]
  • The puppet that  used during his Mind Puppet Switch Cursed Seal Technique was unusual in that it featured kama in place of each of its upper limbs, where as its lower appendages were instead formed from kuwa.[3]


  • Traditional use: Kama was used in Asia to cut crops, mostly rice. However it found its way into martial art where it was usually used in pairs. Since the beak usually was razor-sharp, it was a lethal weapon. It has been suggested that a skilled user could block, trap and disarm enemy weapons.


  1.  Naruto: Shippūden episode 159
  2.  Naruto chapter 423, page 2
  3.  Naruto chapter 469, page 3
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Anime Information : Naruto Tools #080 Konoha Chakra Blade

Konoha Chakra Blade
Konoha Chakra Blade activated
RōmajiChakura Tō
Literal EnglishChakra Blade
MovieNaruto Shippūden 4: The Lost Tower
Appears inMovie only
 [HideRelated tools
The Konoha Chakra Blade is a standard blade wielded by shinobi from Konohagakure. These blades have the appearance of elongated kunai with the Konohagakure symbol on it and are made from a special metal that absorbs chakra. Because of this, the blade can freely transform the chakra to produce added effects. Team 7used these blades to sever Mukade's chakra threadsconnected to his puppets. Naruto gives his chakra blade to Sāra, who eventually passes it on to her daughter.
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Anime Information : Naruto Tools #092 Jidanda

  • Jidanda's handle and hidden explosive tags.
Literal EnglishStamping
AnimeNaruto Shippūden Episode #184
Appears inAnime only
The Jidanda is a weapon that was created by  using data that he collected from his previous creations, Dakō, andTsurukame. It is a giant, spiked, iron ball that containsexplosive tags inside of it. Its handle, like the Dako, is able to stretch and can even be used to attack the enemy. The spikes on the ball can also open to reveal the explosive tags for surprise attacks. Because it is so large, explosive tags can be used to manoeuvre the ball into the air, using the recoil from the explosion. While in the air the wielder can extend the handle and swing the ball at the enemy like a giant flail.
After seeing Tenten use it in battle, Iō took Jidanda back from her to make adjustments.


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